Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Part two

OK, so have you been hanging long enough. I have no children in my life and my husband doesn't expect to live long and well my parents have health issues and my brother had a health issue, and I began to realize that I was going to one day be all a lone in this world, so I think subconsciously I began to destroy myself, so that maybe I would die before anyone. Guess what, I began to realize that I was not able to take care of my husband, I was not able to take care of my parents, and I was getting to where I could not take care of me. And of course, after talking to my wonderful Dr. May, she pointed out that what would really happen would be that everyone does go before me, I would be sick and an probably in a home with no one to take care of me and that it would probably be better if I get to the point that I can take care of myself. So, the journey began.

Now, someone said not too long ago, they wish I had my will power, but you know it's not will power, it is knowledge, you may think you don't have enough time to research things, but if you want your life back bad enough you will make the time.

I will try to start sharing things in my blogs that you can go to and read and all. But I think the biggest thing was to just cut down on my calories and eat the right ones, and you know I found that I got more food to eat then I did not watching my calories.

If you have gotten started on a plan, hang in there, remember that life is worth it and the more you lose the more you will realize that, if you were on something and got off, don't give up, keep trying one day you will realize how worth it, it is. If you would like to get on a journey and just don't know where to begin, the first thing, get up and get moving. It hurts, but it's worth it, before I started the eating plan, I got up from my computer at work and started walking, it was really hard at first but I began to get stronger.

Then I researched things on and set up my food journal which I blogged about a few blogs back. And made it a challenge to stay within the calories I allotted for myself. If I went over I just did better the next day. If you will check out my links and see silverswan web site I have some of my weekly journal pages on there, I chose to weigh once a month, I use to weigh weekly on other plans, but a month makes it more challenging for me.

So, make time for yourself learn the things you need to know. Because you must properly arm yourself to win any battle. Don't deprive yourself, don't starve that just throws everything off, if you want to lose you have to eat, just eat the right food.

If you have questions about anything in these blogs please feel free to e-mail me or blog or comment. I am going to continue to share what I can here and if you have questions it will give me things to blog about. Have a great day and I will blog later love mel

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