Tuesday, November 17, 2009

totally lost my mind

Ok everyone, sorry for not blogging for a while. It seems after I was so excited on my birthday and praising God in my heart for helping on my journey and acknowledging to everyone how great life is, it seemed to take a nose dive. Wow, what a rough month. I have had so much stress and turmoil and this has not been a good month for losing weight. I go and weigh on Friday and I am not expecting a whole lot of loss if any. Between, Susie Q leaving us and my mom's health, my church family went through a struggle that just got me all uptight, this cause arguments with hubby, so I felt like my marriage was on the rocks.....just on and on. But you know what, I have to know who is behind it all and not let the enemy win. So, I am kicking it into high gear this week and staying on the path and in overdrive from now on. My goal at this point is to try and get my exercise going, so everyone wish me luck. Love Mel