Wednesday, February 3, 2010

almonds, almonds, almonds

Ok, for all of you who can eat almonds, which I know some are allergic to them, I will tell you that it is probably a great thing to have while you are trying to loose weight. I have been eating almonds since I started my journey, I put them in my oatmeal, my cereal I eat a handful at break. Of course I do count them out and I count the calories. They can be expensive, but I get mine at Walgreens because I can get two big cans for $7.00 and when they are on sale they are two for $5. I usually get the honey roasted. They aren't as good as some of the brand names, but you get more for the money. The following is a great article on almonds, enjoy it. :)

INFORMATION FROM WEBMD Almonds May Help in Weight Loss