Thursday, April 29, 2010

Went to the doctor today, Yeah, it was only 3 pounds, but guess what that means the plateau is gone. Yes!!!!!! So, now we are headed toward that three hundred and then below it. Maybe the bowflex worked. :) I know my muscles feel it.

After talking to Dr. May, she says she has had many people come in saying they have been working out like crazy and watching what they eat and they just can't seem to lose weight. So, what I have to say about this is. Go one whole normal day, with a little notebook in your pocket, take time to write down everything that you eat that day, I mean everything, even if you think it is too small to count put it on your list. one day, that's all, just one normal day, write down what you do activity wise also. Then at the end of the day take the time to go to and find the calories for each thing and then add them up.

Are you getting more calories than you know? Are you not getting enough? What kind of calories?

You need protein to maintain muscle mass and to keep from feeling hungry, you need fiber to keep the body funtioning and everything moving through and to help curb your hunger. If you eat to much sugar, it goes straight to fat, if you are not getting enough calories your body goes into starvation mode and starts storing fat for later use. (this is it's survival instink that God gave it) Same with water, if you starve your body of water, it will retaliate by retaining fluid. You have to drink plenty of water to keep dehydrated so the body will flush the excess along with all the bad stuff it doesn't need to function. (ie: fat....)

I will start putting good articles I have found on this blog about all this. Anyway, if you are really busy and need help finding the calories for your one day food journal, send it to me via e-mail and I will look it up for you. Just don't give up, keep working at it and you will find the right balance. :) love Mel

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