Tuesday, April 13, 2010

wow, it's been a while

Wow, I can't believe that its been that long since I have blogged, sorry about that. I've had so much energy and been going 90 to nothing and well, just really have not made the time to get on. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well, and if you have any successes to share I would love for you to blog or comment on them. That would be great. I am still stuck, but I am about to switch things up a bit as per a friends suggestion and see if I can't upset my body again, confuse it and force it to start losing again. I have started working out more. Anyway, it's my understanding from watching The Biggest Loser this past week, Bob says you should eat a lot of your calories early in the day and decrease the later it gets. So, it's summer and salads are great this time of year. And it seems easier to eat more in early day. Let me hear from ya. Mel


  1. Losing weight and keeping it off is one of life's toughies. Here's wishing you luck, the good kind.

  2. Thanks Bill, sorry this took so long, don't have the net at my house have to do everything at work.
